More Ways to Get Assistance Paying for Gardasil
If you don't qualify for Merck's vaccine program, GSK vaccine program, or for Vaccines for Children, there is still hope! Here are some other ways you can get help paying for Gardasil:
Planned Parenthood: Federal, state, and private grants have allowed many Planned Parenthood offices around the United States to offer the HPV vaccine for free or at a reduced cost. Try calling your local Planned Parenthood for more information.
College or University Medical Clinic: Many large colleges and universities provide the HPV vaccine to students at their medical clinics. Check your campus clinic for more information.
Local Health Department: Call your local health department to learn about other local clinics that may offer free or reduced-cost HPV vaccinations. Your local health department may even be able to offer you the vaccine, even if you do not qualify for the Vaccines for Children Program. It depends on what grants and funds your state receives from the government and other private organizations.
最后我去了public health(只要21.9刀!Cobb & Douglas Public Health)打了第一针,医生姐姐说可以继续申请Merck那个项目,到时候还可以返款(也就是说免费打!)
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