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美国国内有很多汽车保险公司,根据调查显示,2019年美国国内最大的五家保险公司市场占有率高达56%,他们是:State Farm (18%), Geico (13%), Progressive (10%), Allstate (9%), USAA (6%). 不同公司之间的产品有不同的特色,同时保价也会受车型,年龄,教育程度等等的影响。

State Farm (18%) 

  本人没用过State Farm 的保险业务,但是SF却是全美最大的汽车保险公司。如果你想要面对面的和当地代理商洽谈或者是个性化定制的保险业务,SF 是一个好的选择,但是缺点就是相较于其他几家,SF保险的性价比不高,价格稍贵。

Geico (13%)

Geico的老板是巴菲特,是美国排名第二的汽车保险公司,同时我也正在用。我在上面为我的摩托车和汽车都投过保。Geico 的好处就是价格真的很便宜,而且手机app做的也很好,查看和更换政策都非常方便。缺点是如果你出过险,或者有事故记录,那么再调整之后的价格就不是那么友好。

Progressive (10%) 


Allstate (9%) 

Allstate 和 SF 很像,同样有当地代理商为客户服务,但是缺点也一样,虽然有很多折扣,但是价格还是较高。

USAA (6%) 

USAA 主要是为部队服务,如果客户满足他们的限制条件,那么USAA的性价比非常高。但是缺点是USAA是会员制。


就我现在的Geico保险为例子,保险内容分为两个部分:Policy coverage 和Vehicle coverage

Policy Coverage,也就是liability coverage

意思是保别人的车(coverages that apply to every vehicle on your policy)和你自己产生以及由你造成的其他人的医疗费用,也就是俗称的半险。其中包括一下几项内容。

  • 人身伤害责任险/Bodily Injury Liability
    如果在汽车事故中是你的责任,人身伤害责任险/Bodily Injury Liability用来赔付对方造成的伤害(包括死亡 )产生的费用,同时帮你支付可能产生的法律费用。它包括两组数据,前者是一个人最高赔偿上限,后者是一次事故的最高上限。打个比方,在一次事故中有三人受伤,而且你负全责,那么这个事故中作为一个整体三个人最多只能赔付5万美金,如果其中一个人伤的比较严重需要3万美金,保险最多只能帮你付2.5万,剩下的钱自己付。Pays if you are responsible for another person's injury or death in an auto accident. It also pays for your legal defense. The first number in the coverage limit is for any one person; the second is the total coverage limit for one incident or accident. Individual states have different minimum requirements for liability insurance and for lease cars. 
  • 财产损失责任险/Property Damage Liability如果在汽车事故中是你的责任,财产损失责任险/Property Damage Liability用来赔付对方的财产损失,如汽车,建筑物等。同时帮你支付可能产生的法律费用。 Property Damage Liability pays for damage to other people's property resulting from an accident caused by your auto for which you are legally responsible. It also covers your legal defense if you are sued as a result of an accident. If your operation of a covered vehicle results in your being legally responsible for damage to someone else's property - for example, a car or building - as the result of an accident when you are operating your auto (and certain non-owned vehicles) you may be required to pay for that damage.
  • 医疗费用保险/Medical Payments: 因为已经有了学校的医疗保险,所以我就没有买,但是如果车上经常有其他乘客,他们也没有医保的话,还是建议购买。 Medical Payments coverage pays the reasonable and necessary medical, dental, hospital and funeral expenses for the insured, covered passengers and family members, who are injured in a covered auto accident, regardless of who was at fault. Coverage is also provided to the insured and resident relatives, while they are riding in someone else's car at the time of the accident or if they are struck as a pedestrian.
  • 无保险或保险不足驾驶人保险/Uninsured Motorist & underinsured Motorist 这项保险是用来赔付自己的。如果在路上被一个没有保险的或是没钱赔的司机撞了,或是肇事逃逸的,那么保险公司就会用这部分来补偿给你。它同样包括两组数据,前者是一个人最高赔偿上限,后者是一次事故的最高上限。 Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury (UMBI) pays you, your household relatives, and passengers in your insured motor vehicle for damages resulting from bodily injury or death arising out of accidents caused by uninsured motorists and, in most states, by hit-and-run motorists. In some states, it may also cover damages arising out of accidents caused by motorists whose liability limits are not sufficient to cover your claim. UMBI provides two limits of coverage. The first is the maximum amount we will pay for injury or death of any one person. The second figure is the maximum we will pay (regardless of the number of people involved) for injury or death stemming from a single occurrence. Applicability of UMBI coverage varies from state to state; see your policy contract for details.

Vehicle Coverage

就是保你自己的车(refers to coverages that are specific to a listed vehicle) 和policy coverage/ liability coverage加在一起就变成了全险。内容包括一下几项

  • 无保险或保险不足的财产(车辆)保险/ Uninsured Motorist Property Damage Coverage: 这项保险是用来赔付自己车辆的。如果在路上被一个没有保险的或是没钱赔的司机撞了,或是肇事逃逸的,那么保险公司就会用这部分来赔偿给你修车。单次事故的赔偿上限是10000美金,并且是必须要在有碰撞险的基础上。Pays for damages to your vehicle caused by a driver without insurance Uninsured Motorist Property Damage pays damages you are legally entitled to recover because of damage to your insured vehicle caused by uninsured or hit-and-run motorists. This coverage will pay a maximum limit of $10,000 for any single accident. This coverage is only available if your vehicle carries collision. 当没有碰撞险的时候(通常说的半险)为了预防这种事情发生,就有了第二种保险。 If you want this coverage for a vehicle that does not carry collision, you must select Uninsured Motorist Property Damage (No Collision).
  • 没碰撞险前提下的无保险或保险不足的财产(车辆)保险:Uninsured Motorist Property Damage No Collision Coverage:同样单次事故的上限是10000美金,但是有150美金的自付额度。This pays damages you are legally entitled to recover because of damage to your insured vehicle caused by uninsured or hit-and-run motorists. This coverage is only available if your vehicle does not carry collision coverage. This coverage will pay a maximum limit of $10,000 for any single accident and has a $150.00 deductible. This deductible is waived if a vehicle is also carrying collision coverage.

  • 综合意外险/Comprehensive Coverage综合意外险是指再非碰撞的前提下发生的事故,如一些自然灾害,动物,小偷等。同时它也保护车玻璃。如果是租的车,或者是贷款买的,保险公司要求要有这个。Please note: GEICO requires that leased or financed vehicles carry Comprehensive coverage. Comprehensive coverage pays the cost of damage (minus any applicable deductible) that occurs as a result of a non-collision incident including: fire, flood, theft, falling objects, vandalism, collision with an animal, hail, malicious mischief, windstorms, civil commotion, explosion, earthquake, water damage, lightning, larceny, and damage caused by flying objects (missiles). Comprehensive coverage also covers windshields and the other glass in your vehicles.
  • 碰撞险/Collision Coverage碰撞险是指在发生碰撞事故,或者是车辆侧翻是用的保险。它会有一个自付额度,维修超过自付额度的费用由保险公司出,举个例子,一次事故你的车需要修4000美金,但是你只需要交1000,其余的保险公司给你出。自付额度越低,保费就越贵。 Please note: GEICO requires that leased or financed vehicles carry Collision coverage. Collision Coverage pays for damages to your auto caused by a collision with another object or when it overturns.
  • 道路紧急救援险Emergency Road Service Coverage (ERS):用来应对拖车,爆胎等情况产生的费用。Covers towing, labor for flat tires, jump starts, and more. Get help 24/7 on the GEICO Mobile app Please note: In order to select Emergency Road Service coverage you must also select Comprehensive and/or Collision coverage. 但是我听说有个很好用的AAA保险用于道路救援,据说服务范围很广,求援地点包括整个北美,价格也十分美丽。如果你被锁在车外了,还能免费开锁(我不会告诉你我怎么知道的呵呵)。总之我的很多美国朋友都推荐我选这个。有兴趣的朋友可以自己查一下。
  • 租车补偿险Rental Reimbursement Coverage:如果你的车需要维修超过24个小时,你也有用车的刚需,那么保险公司会给你一辆车让你开,直到你的车修好了。Please note: Rental Reimbursement coverage requires Comprehensive coverage for that same vehicle. Rental Reimbursement coverage pays up to a preset amount for a rental vehicle if your car isn't drivable for more than 24 hours because of a covered accident.





很多朋友在美国的朋友暑假需要回国,或者数月把车停在车位上不开动,保险公司会有叫“Garage policy”的东西,不同的保险公司叫法可能不一样。你可以理解为在有保护的前提下把保费降到最低。适合长假回国把车留在美国的朋友们。


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