官网写的Recent passport-size photograph (2”x2”)但是,现场收走我的是35*45的,这个照片最后就是签证的照片
Valid passport plus 1 copy of the page with photograph and expiration date.
Original and copy of Alien Resident Card OR other US immigration document
allowing re-entry into the United States valid for at least 90 days since exit from Schengen
area (e.g., valid long-term US visa, Advanced Parole, etc.). International students must
submit original and copy of F-1 Visa and endorsed I-20, Exchange visitors a valid I 66
US Visas B1/B/2 are not acceptable for this purpose.
Original and copy of Driver’s License or State ID as proof of residence in the
jurisdiction of this Consulate General. Full-time students may also use original and copy of
Student ID. If you recently moved and have not updated your ID, you must submit another
proof of current address (e.g., utility bills, bank statements, etc.);
Consular jurisdiction领区资料
This Consulate General can process visa applications only for the residents within our consular jurisdiction: Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland (except Prince George and Montgomery Counties), New Jersey (the following counties only: Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Ocean, Salem), North Carolina, Virginia (except Fairfax and Arlington Counties) and West Virginia.
Students enrolled full-time at a University located within our jurisdiction meet the residence requirement. Please refer to the appropriate Italian Consulate if you reside outside our jurisdiction.
我准备了在职证明,就是用申请美国签证的雇主证明信,还准备了近期3个pay stub
Employment verification:
Letter of employment (in original), stating: position held, length of employment, most
recent monthly or annual salary (recent pay stubs may also be added), approved vacation
time. The letter must be signed and dated.
For self-employed workers or company owners: copy of the corporation papers or State
license plus most recent tax return;
For students: official school letter stating full-time enrollment;
Proof of sufficient funds to cover the expenses of your planned stay
Most recent bank statement/s of saving, checking, or original Bank Letter (Bank Letter
sample on forms )
Dependents must submit relevant documentation of the family member sponsoring the trip
with an Affidavit of Financial Support (on forms) .
Following is the guideline for the means of support:
1 to 10 days – a minimum of $300 up to 5 days, 6 to 10 days an additional $50 per day;
11 to 20 days – a minimum of $45 per day;
More than 20 days – a minimum of $35;
Only if you are invited in Italy: the financial requirements may also be satisfied by a Bank
Guarantee (Fidejussione Bancaria) submitted in original plus copy by the inviting person in
Italy ( Host Declaration or Invito/Dichiarazione di Alloggio);
我买的Seven Corners 的Liaison Travel Choice 10天16刀,选的最便宜的,注意要有最低 $50,000限制
Proof of purchase of Worldwide Travel Insurance Travel Insurance can be
purchased from a travel agent or online or may be issued by your current US Insurance
Company (card alone is not sufficient). Provide letter or certificate from insurance
company showing coverage for the entire period of travel in the Schengen area with a
minimum coverage of $50,000 for hospitalization, emergencies, evacuation and
Proof of lodging for the entire duration of the trip and for all the countries you
intend to visit. Please submit one of the following:
1) If you staying at Hotel, confirmed hotel reservations with name and address of hotels,
name of the applicant and number of guests, duration of stay, reservation dates and
confirmation number ;
2) Rental agreement for vacation home;
3) For cruises or other organized trips, provide official letter from your agent stating that
you are a member of the group, itinerary or vouchers with places visited, number of days
in each location, and type of accommodation;
4) if you have been invited to stay in Italy with an Italian citizen or a foreigner who reside in
Italy : letter of invitation(Invito/Dichiarazione di Alloggio) under “forms” duly filled out, dated
and signed by the host and accompanied by copy of hosts’ ID and, if applicable, copy of a
valid Permesso di soggiorno (Residence Permit)
Confirmed flight reservation for a round trip showing complete itinerary. If you visit
more than one Schengen country, please provide means of transportation between
这个一定打电话问下,官网更新不及时,还写得59.20 还好现场收现金,我补了差价
Visa fee (non refundable) in the form of Postal Money Order (USPS) payable to the
Consulate General of Italy, with applicant’s name and address as the remitter;
money order也可以去那里买,有手续费且只收现金
Return envelope: required if applicant cannot pick up passport with the visa in person.
Please provide postage paid, self addressed envelope with tracking number plus
mailing disclaimer form. Carefully complete mailing label with all required information.
预约网站是 Consulate scheduling system: Prenota Online,免费,要注册账号。但是约好一天只能改一次
150 South Independent Mall West七楼 726 大门就是图这样,认准这个高大上的房顶,在wawa旁边。进去跟看门的说意大利签证,给看ID会给个贴纸,直接电梯上7楼
面签时间会很诡异,当时我收到的是11:56.后来得知12点后面签就基本不搞了,12-1点主要是pick up
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