讲一下我辞职前的背景:我在同一所大学求学9年(本科心理&会计,读研health informatics) 工作5年(学生工 全职),期间夹杂一年社工,两个月corporate实习,以及积累40小时的医疗翻译。
我的简历工作背景建立在higher education industry上,跨界找工作有点挑战性,所以我找工作投简历重点找跟我职位功能相关并包装我强大的学习能力上。
自我包装第一步:好好写elevator pitch
Elevator pitch很难写,并且我刚开始觉得这个东西很空洞,很没用,但我后来发现elevator pitch可以决定招聘者对我的第一印象。找工作期间,every single time,when people ask me, "so tell me a little bit about yourself", the elevator pitch is the answer. 这一段小演说,我已经讲了上千遍并惊艳了所有招聘者。
Elevator pitch信息量要大,但不能太大,浓缩浓缩再浓缩。就像写段子一样,没有样板,只有框架,一字一句写出来,找朋友当听众练习,不停修改练习,练到烂熟于心,脱口而出,以下是我的例子。
图片来自网站: https://www.thebalancesmb.com/how-to-write-an-elevator-pitch-2951690
1. 介绍自己,有两把刷子就拿出来遛一下。
I'm a data-driven professional with 2 years of analytics experience using tools such as MS SQL, Excel and Tableau.
2. What's your passion and why?
I'm passionate about data because data tells a lot of stories that affect consumer behaviors, and I think it's rewarding to connect consumers with the right products.
3. 最近的成就,让招聘者对我的简历感兴趣、有问题可问。
In my most recent role as a Data Analyst, one of my biggest achievement was that I developed a small data dictionary for the department database, which lead to significantly reduced reporting turn around time.
4. 把话题转回到应聘的工作本身,讲为什么你觉得这份工适合你。
Which is why I think that this position is perfect for me because I can transfer my skill set while stepping into a new industry.
5. 不停练习,直到相信自己真的有elevator pitch里一样讲得那么好。
先讲到这里。Elevator pitch其实只是个开头,后面的behavioral interview questions才是重头戏。不过万事开头难,elevator pitch做好了,其他的保准没问题!
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