自驾一号公路不可错过的景点之一就是免费观看海象了。这次在Boucher trailhead的沙滩没有看到海象海狮,以为这次看不到了,没想到在Elephant Seal Vista Point看到了超级多的海象,它们都躺在沙滩很悠闲的晒太阳。
When should you go see this spectacle of nature? See below:
• November: Sub adult males haul out on the beach. Mature males begin arriving at the end of the month.
• December: Bulls continue to return. Females arrive. The first birth is usually mid-month.
• January: Females continue to arrive. Peak of births is usually the last half of the month.
• February: Births continue. The peak of the mating is around Valentine’s Day. More females begin leaving.
• March: Last adults leave. Weaned pups teach themselves how to swim.
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