发布了笔记 7月前
由于父母两个都是从小没有上过学不会读或者写任何文字,所以我帮我父母在线填写绿卡更新的1-90表格的时候,遇到两个问题第一个是Is a preparer a
ssisting you with completing this application?
(A preparer is anyone who completes or helps you complete all or part of your application using infor
mation and answers that you provide.) 第二个是 Is
an interpreter assisting you with completing this application?
(An interpreter is anyone who translates or helps you translate all or part of your application using i nformation and answers that you provide. 1l Fi
是要两个都要选择yes 还是只要选择其中一个就可以了?因为不管选择哪一个都要填写更多关于我个人的信息。或者可以两个都不选择吗?如果两个都不选择就不需要填写我个人的信息了,那样等于是我父母自己动手填写的申请表格。但是好像又觉得不妥。曾经有经验的朋友请指点一下我谢谢啦。