對於愛美的你和我,不想花貴高昂定期去美甲,做完又傷指甲,但又想擁有漂記指甲,@manime.co 絕對是你的福音
我個人喜歡在上面再塗一層透明top coat甲油或gel top coat,讓甲貼更持久。這家品牌不含任何毒素,没有应用动物实验,而且較傳統GEL甲不傷指甲。即使是手殘,也一樣十分容易上手。
This stick-on gels are my holy grail because they are custom-made to fit any nail shapes and sizes; they are super easy to apply (watch my reel tutotials and see how easy to do it); they are just too cute and they just dropped tones of the new design of the Summer Picnic Collection.