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爱吃泡面的你必须知道一个人——Hans Lienesch,把泡面吃到了极致,全世界只有他做到了。从1998年开始,Hans Lienesch就开始搜集各种各样的泡面,试吃之后将文章发表在blog上,follow他的人就有上千万。

Hans Lienesch

都说把爱好变成职业就是喜欢的最高境界了,Hans Lienesch随后创立了个人网站The Ramen Rater,除了点评新产品之外,每年还会公布各项TOP TEN LISTS,其中的TOP TEN INSTANT NOODLES这份榜单更是被誉为泡面届的米其林

每年榜单推出之际,吃货们都会第一时间打开The Ramen Rater。今年也不例外,网站也公布了Top 10泡面入选的原因以及口味分析,在过去的一年中Hans Lienesch试吃了383款不同的泡面,选出了他认为口感最好,最让人回味的10款。


from The Ramen Rater

NO.10 Gookmul Knight Of Ribs – South Korea

Hans Lienesch:Gookmul really made their mark with their special lobster variety last year. But I think this eclipses the taste of those by a lot. The noodles are perfectly chewy and of high quality with a great mouthfeel. What’s amazing about this one is the noodles get ensconced in a luxuriant sauce with lots of real pork – it’s kind of like having barbecue pulled pork noodles and it’s simply delectable and memorable.

from The Ramen Rater

第十名来自韩国的绝地勇士炙烧肋排风味干拌面,光是冲着绝地勇士的黑色包装,就会吸引一大波粉丝,即使不吃也可以收藏吧。Hans Lienesch对它可是赞不绝口,泡面吃起来猪肉粒粒分明,口感柔软,肉香味又很重,非常适合喜欢大口吃肉,呼呼吃面的男同胞们,色香味三者合一,据说连金钟国都欲罢不能。

NO.9 Nissin Demae Ramen Straight Noodle Spicy Tonkotsu Flavour – Hong Kong

Hans Lienesch:Last year, Nissin Hong Kong’s Black Garlic Oil version was on the list. It was extremely good, but this one really impressed me. The noodles are thin and straight with a very nice chew. The broth is a melange of spicy and milky tonkotsu that had a deep and rich flavor. The heat isn’t so strong you’ll be running for the hills, but it’s respectable insofar as it is spicy but doesn’t overwhelm the underlying tonkotsu flavor.

from The Ramen Rater

第九名来自香港的出前一丁辛辣猪骨汤味棒丁面,出前一丁继去年后再一次入榜,Hans Lienesch称,出前一丁再次亮相,这次上榜的辛辣猪骨汤味棒丁面,与去年的黑蒜油猪骨汤味棒丁面相似,面条仍旧十分好,非常有咬口弹牙,而辛辣猪骨汤味的汤底除了浓郁外,虽然辛辣但不会呛喉及盖过猪骨的味道。



NO.8 TTL White Wine Carbonara Noodle – Taiwan

Hans Lienesch:Much to my chagrin, TTL keeps coming out with interesting varieties. TTL stands for Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor – and they always have some kind of alcohol with their products. This one comes with a retort pouch will of creamy sauce and pork which is augmented by a sachet of white wine. A sipping soup is made with a separate sachet. The combination is apt and Very delicious.

from The Ramen Rater

第八名来自台湾的白酒帕式达,这是一款来自酒厂的泡面,脑洞大开的台酒公司,为了让更多人喝到纯正的白酒,在泡面和调料里都加入了自家酿制的白酒。你想过泡面还能喝出白酒的味道来吗?这款白酒帕式达就做到了!完美地搭配了烟熏培根以及浓郁的奶油,混合了清香的酒味,精致的口感简直是在享受美味佳肴,看了Hans Lienesch的点评恨不得立马就能吃到。

NO.7  Mom’s Dry Noodle Dan Dan Noodle – Taiwan

Hans Lienesch:I’ve long said that the Taiwanese are masters of simplicity when it comes to food and this one is no exception. We start with a thin noodle, one that is not fried but dried in the hot sun – no sun, no noodles. The flavor is a combination of chilli oil, sesame paste, soy sauce and a dry combo of Sichuan peppercorn hulls and garlic. Finally, the end result is a multi-layered balance of flavors that harmonize perfectly.

from The Ramen Rater


NO.6 Red Chef Green Tom Yum Soup Noodles – Malaysia

Hans Lienesch:Innovation is something I hold in high regard – I’ve tried almost 3,000 kinds of instant noodles from around the world – new flavors are definitely ones that catch my eye and taste buds. This one has noodles that plump up nicely. The broth is strong and kind of reminds me of a cross between a Malaysian tom yum crossed with green curry spiciness. It works very well and is very tasty.

from The Ramen Rater

第六名来自马来西亚的红厨青酸辣汤面,这款泡面带着浓郁的南洋风,打开调料包就能闻到特有的东南亚香味,吃起来是酸酸辣辣的口感,非常开胃。青酸辣汤面其中的酸辣味却不会影响面的口感,Q弹的劲道让Hans Lienesch都意犹未尽!

 NO.5 Prima Taste Singapore Curry Wholegrain La Mian – Singapore

Hans Lienesch:This one has been on the list for three years now and for good reason. The noodles are thick and chewy – and while they are wholegrain they aren’t coarse on the chew – they’re hearty and rustic. The broth comes from two large sachets – one full of curry paste and one of coconut powder. The richness and depth of flavor here is sensational and delights the palate with flavors that are balanced and superb.

from The Ramen Rater



NO.4 CarJEN Nyonya Curry Laksa – Malaysia

Hans Lienesch:Hailing from Melaka, this Malaysian variety catches the eye and delights the senses. A noodle with a great gauge and chew sets the scene. Finally, a broth with a nice rich and creamy flavor augmented by coconut milk powder and a special ‘dipping sauce’ that has a sweet and spicy shrimp hit just makes everything so good. A truly delightful and enticing scent brings one to the bowl with anticipation and hunger.

from The Ramen Rater




NO.3 MyKuali Penang White Curry Noodle (2018 Recipe) – Malaysia

Hans Lienesch:Over the years, this variety went from #1 to being off of the list last year. This was due to numerous recipe changes I just didn’t like. Well, this year they’ve done it. The recipe has uniquely changed once again and it’s definitely returned to it’s roots with a flavor I love. The noodle plumps up very well as with all MyKuali varieties – and then the broth. A big sachet of curry paste sets the stage along with creamer and seasoning. The end result is a incredibly strong and spicy curry that is all in all unique and mesmerizing.

from The Ramen Rater


NO.2 Red Chef Sakura Prawn Soup Noodles – Malaysia

Hans Lienesch:Once again, this newcomer to the list for 2018 brings their game to the table. The great gauge and gauge to the noodle, and then the broth just takes over. A sweet and extremely strong prawn flavor. A good level of spiciness is here as well and works with the broth rather than overwhelms it. The broth is thick and oiliness is on point. Rounding things out is a sachet of fried onions – good sized ones that add a very agreeable crunch on top. Authentic and wonderful.

from The Ramen Rater


Hans Lienesch说,上榜完全是由于鲜甜又浓烈的鲜虾味,但是肉汤的味道并不会因为香料味而被掩盖,反而是丰富的调料和浓稠的肉汤独立却又融合,恰当好处,视频中Hans Lienesch还特地提醒,泡的时候别忘了多放一点调料包里的酱料,里面的油炸洋葱太好吃,还受到了Hans Lienesch的花式夸奖。


NO.1 Prima Taste Singapore Wholegrain Laksa La Mian — Singapore

Hans Lienesch:Prima Taste’s Laksa sits atop the list for the third year in a row. Its chewy wholegrain noodles are hearty and artisanal – never gritty and just a pleasure to chew with a cosmic mouthfeel. Moreover, the broth is a combination of a laksa paste sachet which is large and full of premium ingredients. The broth is made fuller and creamy with the second sachet, a large one filled with coconut milk powder. All in all, if I had only one noodle to eat on a deserted island, this would be the one. All in all, it’s just exquisite in taste and to the eye.

from The Ramen Rater

第一名来自新加坡的百胜厨叻沙拉面,  今年冠军宝座,依然颁给了百胜厨出品的叻沙拉面,百胜厨可以说是大获全胜,前五席就占据了两席,绝对是实力雄厚!这款叻沙拉面已经连续3年蝉联冠军了,是新加坡的超人气产品,也是我的最爱!


左:咖喱拉面   右:叻沙拉面






如果觉得这10款不能够满足你,还等什么赶紧去The Ramen Rater看看呗,大神的泡面王国仍以每天至少一款的速度在不断得更新,已经高达2900多种泡面了,绝对能抚慰你贪吃的心和空虚的胃!


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