中英对照| 第一次在美国就诊怎样和医护人员交流?(一)

中英对照| 第一次在美国就诊怎样和医护人员交流?(一)

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在医生诊断之前,患者会先被问到一些和家庭史 (Family history),社交历史 (Social history) 和疾病史 (Medical histroy) 相关的问题。每一个类别的问题我都列出了非常常见的问题便于大家理解。

家庭史(Family History)



– allergies 过敏

  • eczema, hives, hay fever, rhinitis/runny nose, conjunctivitis/watery eyes, medication, asthma 
  • 湿疹,荨麻疹,花粉病,鼻炎/流鼻涕,结膜炎/眼睛流水,药物,哮喘

– epilepsy 癫痫

– tuberculosis 肺结核

– stroke 中风

– diabetes 糖尿病

– high blood pressure (hypertension) 高血压

– cancers (such as breast, lung or colon cancer) 癌症 (比如乳腺癌,肺癌和结肠癌)

– kidney disease 肾脏疾病

社交史 (Social History)




–  Do you smoke? If so, how much do you smoke? How many packs a day/per week? 你抽烟吗?如果抽,抽多少?每天或每周多少包?

–  If you have stopped smoking now, how much did you use to smoke and when did you stop smoking? 如果你现在戒烟了,你吸烟了多少,你什么时候戒烟? (问这个问题是大概估算出每年抽烟的包数,从而用于估测心血管和肺的功能)

–  Do you drink alcohol? 你喝酒吗? (很多人会忽略啤酒,但是这里指任何含酒精的饮品)

–  How much alcohol do you drink and how often? 你喝多少酒,多久喝一次?

–  If you have stopped drinking now, how much did you use to drink and for how

long? 如果你现在已经戒酒了,你以前习惯喝多少?多久?

–  Do you use (recreational) drugs? 你使用(以娱乐性为目的的)毒品吗?

–  What type of drugs do you use? (cocaine, heroin, cannabis/marijuana, ecstasy/

MDMA, pseudoephedrine, amphetamines, prescription painkillers) 你用什么类型的毒品? (可卡因,海洛因,大麻,摇头丸,伪麻黄碱,安非他明,处方止痛药)

–  How often do you take them and in what dosage? 你多久服用一次?用的剂量是多少?

–  Are you currently employed? 你现在有工作吗?

–  Are you experiencing any stress at work? What is causing the stress? 你在工作中遇到压力吗?什么导致了压力?

–  Are you experiencing any stress at home? What is causing the stress? Any bullying? 你在家里有压力吗?什么导致了压力?有霸凌现象吗?

–  Are you experiencing any stress in your relationships? What is causing the stress? 你的人际关系中是否有任何压力?什么导致了压力?

–  What is your home situation like? 你家里的情况怎样?

–  Do you live 你是住在……

  • in your own home 你自己家
  • in rental accommodation 出租房
  • in a trailer park 活动房屋
  • with other people as a boarder or roommate 与其他人一起寄宿或室友 

–  are you homeless? 你无家可归吗?

– how many people live in your house? 你家有多少人?

–  do any of them smoke? 他们中的任何一个吸烟?

–  do you have support at home? (i.e. people who are willing and able to help you

and/or look after you) 你在家里有支持者吗? (就是愿意并且能够帮助和照顾你的人)

病历( Medical History)



– What is the problem you have come to see me with today?/ What brings you in today?你今天来看病的原因是什么?

–  Are you in any pain? If so, what is the pain like? 你有任何痛苦吗?如果有,是什么的疼痛?

–  Are you experiencing any abnormal sensations? 你现在是否有任何异常的感觉?

– Is there any tingling? Any numbness? Any pain or discomfort anywhere in your body? 有任何刺痛感吗?麻木吗? 身体任何部位的有任何疼痛或不适?

–  Do you have a fever or have you had a fever? 你现在或之前发烧了吗?

–  Did you take your temperature? When and what was it? 你测量体温了吗?什么时候?多少度?

–  Are other people in the house or in the family sick as well? 有任何家里的人也生病吗?

–  Are other people in the house or in the family (or at school) sick with the same

symptoms? 有任何家里的人(或者在学校)有相同生病症状?

–  Have you had any change in appetite? 你的胃口有变化吗?

–  Have you developed a dislike or aversion to any particular foods? 


–  Have you lost weight? Gained weight? 你减肥了吗?或者体重增加?

–  Do you have a sore throat? 你有嗓子疼吗?

–  Do you have to cough? 你咳嗽吗?

–  Do you bring up any phlegm? What does it look like? 你有吐痰吗?是什么样子的?

–  Do you have a runny nose? What does the discharge look like? 你有流鼻涕吗?鼻涕是什么样的?

–  Do you have an earache/sore ear? Is there any discharge from your ear? 你耳朵痛或耳朵酸吗?耳朵有没有任何分泌物?

–  Do you feel nauseated? Do you have to vomit? 你觉得恶心吗?你想吐吗?

–  How are your bowel movements? 你的排便怎么样?

–  Do you get diarrhea? 你腹泻吗?

–  Are your stools formed/soft/loose/watery? 你的大便是成形的,软的,松散的还是水样的?

–  Do you have irritable bowels? 你有肠易激吗?

疼痛类 (Pain)



–  Where is the pain? 哪里疼?

–  When did it start? 什么时候开始的?

–  What brings on the pain? What triggers the pain? 什么带来疼痛?什么引发疼痛?

–  Does the pain shoot down your leg or up your shoulder? 疼痛是从上到下整条腿上还是在你的肩膀上?

–  Does the pain spread or radiate anywhere? 疼痛会在任何地方扩散或传播吗?

–  Does anything make it better? 有什么能让它变好吗?

–  Does anything make it worse? 有什么能让它变坏吗?

–  Does your ... feel irritated/tender or sore? 你的xx 感到刺激/软/或疼痛吗?

如果你就诊的原因是身体某部分的疼痛,医生会问疼痛的类型(Quality of the pain)。用对描述疼痛类型的词在就诊时也非常重要,通过疼痛的类型,医生可以更准确地分析出疼痛的原因。下面是常见的描述各种疼痛类型的词:

– dull ache 沉闷的疼痛

–  discomfort 不舒服,不适

–  superficial or deep-seated 表皮上的或深层的

–  stinging 刺痛

–  slight/mild/moderate 轻微/轻度/中度

–  heavy 重度

– crushing, like a belt is tightened round the chest 挤压疼,就像胸部有一根腰带勒紧一样

–  like a knife 像一把刀一样,sharp/stabbing/piercing/cutting 尖锐的/刺痛/穿刺痛/切割疼

–  recurrent and ongoing 经常性和持续性

–  pulsating 脉动 ,coming and going like a pulse 像脉搏一样跳动,俗称跳着疼

–  pounding/throbbing 敲击 – beating or drumming 像打鼓一样

–  hot 热 , like a burning or searing sensation 像燃烧或灼热的感觉



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