首先呢,很感谢君君的平台,和各位前辈,大家的帖子给了我莫大的帮助! 从最初绿卡申请到申请十绿都是在君君这里看帖子学习,上网找材料自己申请的,自己动手,没有花钱请律师,省了一大笔钱,嘿嘿。所以申请的大家有问题可以问我哟,我会尽力回答的,不然可以帮忙找找答案! 然后,之所以写这个贴子呢,是因为我经常逛帖子看评论,看到很多童鞋说Condition removal期间不可以申请公民,然而我查到的信息是可以申请(+细节),所以和大家分享/讨论一下。有异议/建议的亲,请亲切留言,勿喷,谢谢。(PS:本文适用于申请婚姻绿卡申请者)
好了,那就开始吧! (小声bb一句:本人是纯工科孩纸,语文基本不及格类型,你们懂的)
今年夏天的时候,申请并提交了I-751 Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence, 就是二转十绿。大概一周后,收到了延长信,延期18个月。自此,Case status 成为了我每日的必查工作,然而每天都看到一样的状态,没有任何更新,感受一下以下的画面感。
顺便查了一下case受理时间是16-18个月。右边链接可以查到受理时间:https://egov.uscis.gov/processing-times/ 。以下是打开的画面,填写form type 和你寄送的地址(随便选了CA地址)会显示预估受理时间。
看到帖子里有说可以申请网上账户,随时收到更新,我尝试了一下,然后发现我没有DOS ID不能建立账户。上网查到说DOS(Department of State)是由USCIS寄给申请者的,我翻遍了档案包和当时收到二绿的信封,然而我并没有显示DOS ID的文件,所以打电话问了USCIS,他们说他们也没有,要问 Department of State。继续打电话问 Department of State,打了三小时永远接不通,要么就on hold,所以我弃了,直接每天查好了,就几秒的时间。
就在刚才我找到了以下的材料和信息,Law Office of Michae Markovich 移民律师在他的网页里写道,
It can now take up to two years for the USCIS to approve the I-751. In the meantime, the spouse of the US citizen may be reluctant to apply for naturalization although he or she is eligible to file for such an application two years nine months after the initial grant of the lawful permanent status. Due to the enormous delays in processing the I-751, the foreign spouse loses time for purposes of filing a naturalization application.
Recently, the USCIS has issued an advisory that it is permissible for a conditional resident to apply for naturalization while a Form I-751 application is pending with the USCIS.
As a result, conditional resident spouses can apply when they become eligible for citizenship, which is 2 years and 9 months from the date of receiving the conditional residency. This is the case even if the I-751 application remains pending.
What if the spouse’s naturalization interview comes up before the I-751 application is approved? Based on the USCIS’s advisory, the citizenship application cannot be denied on the basis that the I-751 is pending. It is most likely that the naturalization officer will put the application on holduntil the I-751 application is approved. Conditional resident spouses can therefore apply for citizenship inatimely manner, and hopefully have their I-751 applications approved before the citizenship interview.
以上最后一段段落里阐述了临时绿卡持有者,在绿卡满2年零9个月时有资格申请美国公民,即使在I-751仍处于待处理状态。但是呢,这里有一个条件,就是十年绿卡申请者要在公民身份面谈前申请者应该拿到 i-751申请,也就是十年绿卡。如果没有拿到十年绿卡,根据USCIS的顾问,入籍官员不能以I-751待定的理由拒绝临时绿卡申请者的公民身份申请。 在I-751(十年绿卡)申请获得批准之前,入籍官员很可能会暂停申请。
移民律师 Minsky McCormick & Hallangan 在这篇文章里提到:
On account of the significant delays in I-751 petitions, it is sometimes a wise strategy to file an N-400 application for naturalization while the I-751 petition is pending, as it tends to expedite the process. The USCIS schedules in-person interviews for N-400 applications significantly faster than the I-751. While the USCIS cannot adjudicate the N-400 naturalization application until the I-751 is approved, the USCIS is also required by law to adjudicate the N-400 within 120 days of the interview. Therefore, if you file the N-400 while the I-751 is pending, the USCIS is then required to adjudicate the I-751 quickly after the N-400 interview so that it can adjudicate the N-400 within the 120 days required by law.
以上段落阐述了由于现在申请的严重延误,绿卡持有者在I-751申请待审期间提交入籍N-400申请有时是明智的策略,这样做会加快申请十年绿卡这一过程。 USCIS安排对N-400申请进行面对面访谈的速度明显快于I-751。 虽然美国移民局在I-751(十年绿卡)批准之前无法裁定N-400入籍申请,但USCIS有法律规定,在面谈后120天内对N-400申请者进行裁决。 因此,如果你在I-751待审期间提交N-400,那么USCIS需要在N-400面试后必须迅速裁定I-751,以便在120天内对N-400进行裁决。
根据上面两位律师的信息,现在基本可以肯定的是十年绿卡延期时间段里是可以申请公民的,可是如果面试前没有收到十年绿卡的批准,那么就要和USCIS进行一次面谈。面谈的结果可能有两种,结果一:因为要对N-400进行裁决,加快I-751(十年绿卡)批准,所以公民和十年绿卡一起得到 ;结果二:因为没有I-751(十年绿卡)批准结果,公民申请N-400被暂停,暂停后重启时间待定。
以上是我查到的信息,希望有同道中人一起共勉!如果有错误的地方,欢迎指出,我会更正!如果你读到了这里并且感觉本文帮助了你,那就点个♥吧,谢谢 :)
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