【電飯煲蛋糕零失敗教程 原來這樣做才最好吃!】

【電飯煲蛋糕零失敗教程 原來這樣做才最好吃!】

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這次做的電飯煲蛋糕真的很簡單, 我也會分享很多小技巧給大家,讓大家零失敗地做電飯煲蛋糕

Rice Cooker Cake!

蛋清(egg white)                  6個
蛋黃(egg yolks)                  6 個
純牛奶 (milk)                       80g
玉米油(corn oil)                  60g
細砂糖 (granulated sugar)100g
食用鹽 (salt)                         1g
低筋麵粉/All Purpose Flour  100g


1. 首先保持容器乾爽 Keep container dry
2. 蛋黃蛋清分離 Separate egg white and egg yolks
3. 在蛋黃液倒入玉米油或者橄欖油,再倒入牛奶,然後放置一邊 Add corn oil or olive oil, add milk, and put it aside.
4. 細砂糖分三次加入蛋清,用電動打蛋器攪拌 (6倍速)Add sugar and salt at three different times, beat with eggbeater. (6 speed)
5. 成功打發後的蛋清可以看到紋路和小彎鉤 You can see the wave and small sharp crook after successfully beat the egg white.
6. 用打蛋器攪拌蛋黃液 Use eggbeater stir the egg yolks
7. 用過濾網過濾麵粉 Sift into flour
8. 之後用打蛋器混合蛋黃糊 (1-2倍速)Use eggbeater mix well (Speed 1-2)
9. 取三分一打發後的蛋清加入蛋黃糊 Add 1/3 Egg white mixture into egg yolk mixture
10. 一定要上下翻拌 Must stir up and down
11. 將餘下打發後的蛋清全部加入蛋黃糊 Add rest of the egg white mixture into egg yolk mixture.
12. 再繼續上下翻拌,攪拌成光滑的蛋糊Must stir up and down, mix well until it looks very smoothly
13. 將蛋糊倒入可以裝5.5杯米的電飯煲內膽 Add mixture into the 5.5 cups rice cooker container
14. 最後放入電飯煲, 用蒸模式50分鐘 Put it in the rice cooker, use steam mode for 50 minutes (Rice cooker from Costco: Tiger brand)
15. 蛋糕放涼後倒出 Wait until the cake cool down and take it out.








謝謝大家,請大家告訴我想看什麼內容, 我會考慮下嘗試的!謝謝!

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