在美国因为疫情超期滞留怎么办?Unlawful Presence非法停留是否影响下次入境?

在美国因为疫情超期滞留怎么办?Unlawful Presence非法停留是否影响下次入境?

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根据USCIS官方指南,在I-94过期申请延期并未得到批复的期间,申请人的身份将变为Out of status,但是并不构成非法停留unlawful presenc。关于“unlawful presenc"的具体解释后文中会提及。





  • 如果及时提出申请,等待移民局批复期间不会被认定为非法滞留。
  • 如果因疫情未能及时递交且情况特殊,移民局也会酌情考虑并受理。
  • 申请人必须提供有效证据,说明确是由于疫情造成延期,移民局将逐案进行评估审查。


如果你的延期申请被拒绝了,那么从批复日起的时间就会开始算为Unlawful Presence,请大家尽快购买机票离境。

Unlawful Presence非法停留

在美国如果非法停留即Unlawful Presence,根据非法停留时常的不同,将会面临一系列的处罚,根据INA212(a)(9)(B) 包括:

  • 非法停留少于180天:有可能导致下次签证拒签;

  • 非法停留多于180天但少于1年,根据INA235(b)(1)提出快速遣返程序或根据INA 240自愿撤离程序之前自愿离开美国:3年内将被禁止入境美国;

  • 非法停留多于1年,根据法律规定自愿离开美国或被遣返:10年将被禁止入境美国;

  •  非法停留多于1年且试图非法入境:终身禁止入境。

另外,根据移民与国籍法INA第222(g)条中提到如果在美国超期滞留的非移民,其非移民签证将作废。以下是Foreign Affairs Manual(FAM)的指导手册对各种情况的解读:

9 FAM 302.1-9(B)(6) (U) Summary of INA 222(g) Scenarios
情况 适用于INA 222(g)(签证作废) 不适用于INA 222(g)(签证不作废)
Alien admitted until specified date; maintains status; departs by date specified.   不适用
Alien admitted until specified date; maintains status; departs after date specified. 适用  
Alien admitted until specified date; violates status; departs by date specified.   不适用
Alien admitted until specified date; violates status; departs by date specified, but is found by USCIS, an IJ, or the BIA to have violated status. 适用  
Alien admitted until specified date; violates status; departs after date specified. 适用  
Alien admitted until specified date; stays beyond specified date; but granted voluntary departure (V/D). 适用  
Alien admitted until specified date, found by USCIS, an IJ, or the BIA to have violated status but is granted V/D; departs prior to both date on Form I-94, Arrival-Departure Record and date specified in V/D order. 适用  
Alien admitted for duration of status (D/S), maintains status and departs.


Alien admitted for (D/S), violates status (not found in violation by USCIS, an IJ or the BIA).


Alien admitted for (D/S), found by USCIS or IJ in violation of status.


Alien admitted for (D/S), found by DHS an IJ, or the BIA in violation of status, granted voluntary departure. 适用  
Alien admitted until specified date; applies for extension or change of status within applicable time limit prior to expiration of Form I-94; remains in U.S. after date on Form I-94; and application is subsequently approved.   不适用
Alien admitted until specified date; applies in timely fashion for extension or change of status, remains in U.S. after date on I-94 and application is subsequently denied. 适用  
Alien admitted for D/S; applies in timely fashion for extension or change of status; application is subsequently denied for reasons other than status violation.   不适用
Alien admitted until specified date; submits a timely and non-frivolous application for extension or change of status; departs U.S. after expiration of Form I-94, but before a decision on the Form I-94 extension/change of status application.   不适用
Alien admitted until specified date; files late application for change or extension of status; USCIS accepts late application because alien established that filing was for good cause and otherwise satisfies the requirements for retroactive application; and application is ultimately approved:   不适用
Alien entered on Visa Waiver Program (VWP), on parole, without inspection, or otherwise without nonimmigrant visa, (NIV) regardless of whether alien overstays or violates status.    不适用


但是根据FAM以上的解释 "Alien admitted until specified date; submits a timely and non-frivolous application for extension or change of status; departs U.S. after expiration of Form I-94, but before a decision on the Form I-94 extension/change of status application",如果申请了延期,不管是否得到批准,只要再批准之前离境,签证不过期。




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