今天,《US News&World》全美公立高中榜单火热出炉啦,波士顿的Boston Latin School再次获得麻州top1的位置!同时位列全美排行榜第27位!
这次榜单中,挤入前100名的一共有2所学校,另一所是位于Hadley的Pioneer Valley Chinese Immersion Charter School。
- 大学筹备度(30%)
- 大学课程广度(10%)
- 州考熟练度(20%)
- 州考表现(20%)
- 服务不足的学生表现(10%)
- 毕业率(10%)
- Boston Latin School
- Pioneer Valley Chinese Immersion Charter School, Hadley
- Lexington High School
- The Advanced Math and Science Academy Charter School, Marlborough
- Sturgis Charter Public School, Hyannis
- John D. O’Bryant School of Math and Science, Roxbury
- Hopkinton High School
- Dover-Sherborn High School
- Boston Latin Academy
- Acton-Boxborough Regional High School
- Wayland High School
- Weston High School
- Medfield High School
- The Bromfield School, Harvard
- Mystic Valley Regional Charter School, Malden
- Belmont High School
- Manchester Essex Regional High School, Manchester-by-the-Sea
- Pioneer Charter School of Science, Everett
- Westford Academy
- Concord-Carlisle High School
13.) Concord-Carlisle High School
20.) Acton-Boxborough Regional High School
27.) Lexington High School
29.) Belmont High School
30.) Bedford High School
39.) Winchester High School
45.) Dover-Sherborn High School
46.) Ashland High School
49.) Wayland High School
50.) Brookline High School
来源:US News&World Report