2024 US News & World 麻州最佳公立高中Top20排名出炉!

2024 US News & World 麻州最佳公立高中Top20排名出炉!

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今天,《US News&World》全美公立高中榜单火热出炉啦,波士顿的Boston Latin School再次获得麻州top1的位置!同时位列全美排行榜第27位!

这次榜单中,挤入前100名的一共有2所学校,另一所是位于Hadley的Pioneer Valley Chinese Immersion Charter School。


  • 大学筹备度(30%)
  • 大学课程广度(10%)
  • 州考熟练度(20%)
  • 州考表现(20%)
  • 服务不足的学生表现(10%)
  • 毕业率(10%)


  1. Boston Latin School
  2. Pioneer Valley Chinese Immersion Charter School, Hadley
  3. Lexington High School
  4. The Advanced Math and Science Academy Charter School, Marlborough
  5. Sturgis Charter Public School, Hyannis
  6. John D. O’Bryant School of Math and Science, Roxbury
  7. Hopkinton High School
  8. Dover-Sherborn High School
  9. Boston Latin Academy
  10. Acton-Boxborough Regional High School
  11. Wayland High School
  12. Weston High School
  13. Medfield High School
  14. The Bromfield School, Harvard
  15. Mystic Valley Regional Charter School, Malden
  16. Belmont High School
  17. Manchester Essex Regional High School, Manchester-by-the-Sea
  18. Pioneer Charter School of Science, Everett
  19. Westford Academy
  20. Concord-Carlisle High School


13.) Concord-Carlisle High School

20.) Acton-Boxborough Regional High School

27.) Lexington High School

29.) Belmont High School

30.) Bedford High School

39.) Winchester High School

45.) Dover-Sherborn High School

46.) Ashland High School

49.) Wayland High School

50.) Brookline High School


来源:US News&World Report

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波士顿101 1
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