运用什么技能+做了什么事情+其中克服了什么困难+达成了什么目标/效果/成就是什么+从中你的个人成长/经验是什么+这些对你应聘这份新工作有什么相关好处?(大部分提到的技能要和job description里有重合)
🌸Technical expertise(有生动的例子比较好,不然有点空。)
🌸Your career goals/developments/expectations(长期,中期,短期,显出职场的热情和期待,年轻人的活力/激情)
🌸why you left your current job?(不要揭过去雇主的短,不然人家换位思考,会觉得你以后也会这么说他们,或者认为是你自己的问题)
🌸How can you add value to the team?
● What does the first 6 months look like for this role versus the next 2-3 years?
● What would the challenges be that I would face in this role?
● What are the growth plans of the xxx(your future team)?
● What are the short, medium and long term vision and goals of the xxxx(company name)and in particular the xxxx (your future team)group?
● How does my role as a xxxx (your position)play in this? How will I help impact this?
● How does the comopany stand out from the crowd? What is their market advantage? (Reference what you think it is)
● What are the challenges xxx(company name) faces?
● Why did you join? – what attracted you to the company?
● Ask them about the background (reference LinkedIn) and ask about the challenges they have had over the years – how did they resolve them/did they?
最新评论 8
:anna圣诞节快乐🎄 愿一切顺利!
:好强大啊 看完收藏!妥妥的