三月9⃣️日收到一封邮件来自 The Body Shop 美体小铺 FACTA,一开始以为是垃圾邮件📧,仔细看才发现是 The Body Shop 美体小铺 被告上法庭达成的赔偿,需要满足的条件是:
You used a debit or credit card to make a purchase at any of The Body Shop’s retail locations in the U.S. and whose electronically-printed receipt displayed more than the last five digits of your debit or credit card number, during the period from April 23, 2014 to January 14, 2016.
简而言之就是在2014/4/23-2016/1/14期间,在美国的 The Body Shop 美体小铺 使用过信用卡或者Debit卡购买过产品,且电子小票🧾打印了超过卡号最后五位的客户,都将收到一份礼卡。
我在 The Body Shop 美体小铺 店里购买了$10+的Moringa的沐浴露,很像茉莉花的香味很好闻。店员非常nice还送了我两包试用的身体乳~