我是属于行动派,从打算买到下单,一共二天时间🤭,期间自己选了几款比较适合入门的,例如fujifilm XS10,Canon M50、M200,M6,R10……
家属给我参考了大量的数据之后选出了Canon R10和Fujifilm xs10,适合新手而且价格相差无几,最后败倒在了Canon的颜值上。
自带的kit里面是18-45mm 价格税前$1099.
我买的是18-150mm 价格税前$1379.
最新评论 19
:嘻嘻😁 希望能拍更多美照
:嘿嘿😈 待我熟悉熟悉就拍起来
回复 @MissWang___:😁嗯嗯,好D…….
:可惜没有Advanced A+模式,所以我送了妹子R50。复制一段这个模式介绍,The R50 aims at beginners stepping up from their smartphone. Although the camera can be used in manual mode, Canon has added a number of Intelligent modes to help those who don’t feel confident setting everything up by themselves. Many of these auto modes are also found on the R10, but the R50 has a new one called Advanced A+. Much like a smartphone, this new mode uses computational photography: it captures a set of images in rapid succession and merges them together to improve dynamic range, increase the depth of field for close-up shots, or reduce the amount of noise in a low light situation. The camera will automatically detect the type of scene and apply appropriate settings. Note that Advanced A+ only works with JPGs, not RAW, unlike the other modes.
回复 @MissWang___:佳能系统是数字越小,约高端,性能越好。不过RF-S镜头这一块儿,确实有所缺失,目前定焦头都没有,只能用全画幅的镜头了。好在是打折,很便宜,推荐99块的RF50m 1.8
回复 @MissWang___:其实我觉得sigma 18-35 art是个神头,不过需要EF转接环。就是我文章里多次出现的那个镜头。缺点是沉。优点是画质非常感人