360 The Restaurant at the CN Tower is more than the home of the world's highest wine cellar. It’s more than an award-winning dining destination recognized for its deep commitment to sustainable food practices. It’s more than a place where the finest of Canadian flavours from coast to coast to coast come together in utterly unique surroundings. It’s where celebrations and events of all kinds are shared and remembered for years to come. 这一点都不谦虚的词汇,着实有点不好意思翻译。
楼顶用餐其实相当于包含了CN tower的门票。
Prix fixe: 2 course $75 / 3 course $90
点了双份3 course加上税和消费$250,因为美元和加元汇率的存在,避免了那个尴尬数字
Front St W, Toronto, ON M5V 2T6, Canada
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