家门口有一家Another Broken Egg Cafe,无意中舍近求远又开发到一家Another Broken Egg Cafe分店,地理位置超好,处于闹市区,但走过路过一直错过,终于趁春假这个机会安排起来。尝试了一下被实诚的份量震惊了,居然比家门口的那家多了一倍不止🤣🤣🤣
🍽️Lemon Pound Cake French Toast
French-toast style lemon pound cake topped with fresh blackberries and strawberries, powdered sugar and fresh whipped cream. Served with two eggs any style and baked bacon or house-made sausage patties.
🍽️ S'mores Waffle
Graham cracker crumbles baked into a Belgian waffle and layered with chocolate chips and marshmallow cream and topped with chocolate syrup. Served with two eggs any style and baked bacon or house-made sausage patties.
超级大的华夫饼和巨大的French toast堆成山,多的四个人都吃不完,外加各种配菜,煎蛋、水果,还点了咖啡和橙汁,华夫饼松脆,面包酥软,味道很推荐👍
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最新评论 3
回复 @bigredbear:刚烤出来的一定很香