有了这些小技巧,星巴克的圣诞糖霜饼干自己做(附step by step 做法)

有了这些小技巧,星巴克的圣诞糖霜饼干自己做(附step by step 做法)

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图片来自Starbucks 官网


• Sugar Cookies

• 3 cups all purpose flour

• ¼ tsp baking soda

• ½ teaspoon salt

• 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened

• 1 cup sugar

• 1 large egg

• 1½ teaspoons vanilla

• Royal Icing

• 1 pound confectioners sugar - SIFTED

• ¼ cup meringue powder

• ½ tsp cream of tartar

• ½ cup water

• 1 tsp clear vanilla

• Gel food coloring, if desired



1 Sugar Cookies: Sift flour, baking soda and salt together, set aside.

2 Cream butter and sugar. Add the egg and mix to combine.

3 Add the flour in two batches, and blend until mixture just holds together.

4 Add vanilla and mix to combine.

5 Roll out between two sheets of wax paper and cut out shapes with cookie cutters.

6 Place shapes on baking trays lined with parchment paper and put in freezer for about 10 minutes before baking.

7 Bake at 350 degrees until cookies are just golden, about 8-12 minutes, depending on the shape/size of the cookie.

8 Royal Icing: Combine confectioners sugar, meringue powder and cream of tarter in large mixing bowl. Add water and clear vanilla and beat on high speed with paddle attachment until stiff peaks form, but mixture is not dry. Add water to reach desired piping consistency (tsp or two at a time), mixing after each addition of water.

9 Add drops of gel food coloring to reach desired color, but keep in mind the color will deepen and darken as the icing dries.

10 Fill piping bags fitted with round metal tips and ice the cookies. I divide the icing into two bowls, ⅔ reserved for flood icing (a thinner consistency ideal for covering the entire cookie) and ⅓ reserved for decorating (a little thicker and used for piping designs). Allow the base to dry for a couple hours before piping designs.

11 Let completed cookies dry for at least 12 hours before storing in air tight containers.

12 Cookies will keep for several days stored at room temperature.

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❤️TIP#1----买现成的icing for cookies 大大减少你做饼干的时间。不想做icing想省事的看这儿


⭐️Step by step instruction⭐️


Mix all ingredients until look like this

Form a ball

Flatten the dough

Cut the shapes

Wilton's 白色cookie icing 拿掉cap,高力微波炉加热15-20妙,倒入碗里取Wilton gel color少许与icing 混合

把调好色的icing 注入Wilton icing bag

❤️TIP#3---把一icing bag 放入一个高杯中,bag 边缘反折下来在杯口,更容易操作

Wilton 小圆头tip

Flush the cookies from outside to inside

❤️TIP#4---待icing cools down a little bit再勾边,注意勾边时不要太靠边,以免icing 下滑至四周,cookies做出来四周不clean,影响美观

此图第一次flush the icing


❄️完工啦!趁白色icing干之前撒上亮晶晶的sparkle sugar,放阳光下闪闪发光呢!

细心的小仙女可能会发现我画的❄️pattern每一个都不一样!做了这雪花糖霜饼圣诞节当Host的特别礼物送朋友真不错呢!(hidden mean--you are unique!🤗)




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