金三银四,大家跳槽的好时机,那么怎么写two weeks' notice 呢?
总的来说就三点:1. 我要辞职了,辞职日期是多少。2. 太感谢你了。3. 最后两周要我做啥尽管吩咐。
Notice of Resignation- Your Name
Dear Your Manager Name
This letter is to give you two weeks’ notice of my official resignation from Your Company Name. My final day with Your Company Name will be Date/Month/Year
It has been a pleasure working with Your Company Name. Thank you so much for all the support you have provided me during my XXX years tenure with the company.
I intend to continue providing Your Company Name with the same high-quality work from now until my last day of employment. If there is anything you need me to do to help during this transition time, please let me know.
Your Name
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