这是一本不折不扣的兔书(此处没有笔误),用朋友的话来说是“400 pages full of rabbits"🐰🐰🐰 这是我看它的理由,但不仅是我写下它的理由😘
(突然进入播音模式)沃特希普荒原Watership Down是以一群野兔为主角的英雄式奇幻小说,由已故英国作家理查德·亚当斯所作。故事描写了以主角榛子为首的一群野兔们逃离即将被人类毁灭的兔场,追寻新的家园,而在一路上遭遇劫难的故事。(播音模式结束) 作者Richard Adams于1972年横空出世,这是他的第一部作品。直到现在还能在网络上看到人们津津乐道,回忆当时大街小巷都在看这本书的情景。 我认识好几个美国人是中学看过这本书的,似乎是他们的课外参考书目。这本书也有动画片和电影改编版,2018年 Netflix 还出了新版动画短剧(图3),推荐度90%左右相当不错。
故事相当积极勇敢有正能量!也有动物被毒害、被陷阱捉住、为了生存产生流血冲突等情节,不过书中的角色也都很好地应对了。所以要看儿童的接受能力再决定要不要给小孩子看。我只看过书,大概查了查觉得电影和短剧的受众里应该都是包括小孩子的。 ********** 除了好故事必备的深度、张力、和丰富性,这本书还有几个很突出的优点: 1. 自然细节过硬。
鲜为人知的野生植物和花卉及其生长季节,乡村生物的习性和行为,英国汉普郡北部沃特希普荒原的地形和自然环境,都在叙事中交织。和兔类生活有关的部分更是参考了作者好友、博物学家Ronald Lockley的专著The Private Life of the Rabbit (1964) 。这对自然控(我)来说无疑是宝藏☺️ 2. 故事不出戏,令人信服。 一群兔子离开安乐窝,集体迁徙,并不像是自然界中会真实发生的事情。但作者很好地代入了动物视角,以角色的自省将违和感一一道破,于是成功地架起了种种设定,十分令人信服。比如书中是这样解释动物的拟人化行为:「兔子十分看重聪明才智——尽管它们实际上都不会数到五」🤣🤣 3. 文笔好,非常有想象力和感染力。 这是我阅读过程中摘抄的两段: 讲“山雨欲来”作者是这样写的 Human beings say, “It never rains but it pours.” This is not very apt, for it frequently does rain without pouring. The rabbits’ proverb is better expressed. They say, “One cloud feels lonely”: and indeed it is true that the appearance of a single cloud often means that the sky will soon be overcast.
“One cloud feels lonely.” 巧妙又有情绪 讲“从众的鸟群”作者是这样写的
(后面太长所以介绍到这里就结束了。阅读时会想起各种经历过的人和事,会不由得跟着思考、自问自答,会为不断的新发现而赞叹,我想这就是一本好书吧🥰 好了,继续看完它吧:) Fu Inle means “after moonrise.” Rabbits, of course, have no idea of precise time or of punctuality. In this respect they are much the same as primitive people, who often take several days over assembling for some purpose and then several more to get started. Before such people can act together, a kind of telepathic feeling has to flow through them and ripen to the point when they all know that they are ready to begin. Anyone who has seen the martins and swallows in September, assembling on the telephone wires, twittering, making short flights singly and in groups over the open, stubbly fields, returning to form longer and even longer lines above the yellowing verges of the lanes一the hundreds of individual birds merging and blending, in a mounting excitement, into swarms, and these swarms coming loosely and untidily together to create a great, unorganized flock, thick at the center and ragged at the edges, which breaks and re-forms continually like clouds or waves一until that moment when the greater part (but not all) of them know that the time has come: they are off, and have begun once more that great southward flight which many will not survive; anyone seeing this has seen at work the current that flows (among creatures who think of themselves pnmarily as part of a group and only secondarily, if at all, as individuals) to fuse them together and impel them into action without conscious thought or will: has seen at work the angel which drove the First Crusade into Antioch and drives the lemmings into the sea.
最新评论 6
:(最近惦着死亡谷的野花,因为19年super bloom被我错过了。也许到时候去找你玩儿~)
:嗷嗷,亲爱的太贴心了 这条是被关小黑屋了,直到十月活动结束都没放出来,还害得我踩着ddl补了条别的给活动凑数