我有Cyber Clean 神奇去污Jelly 在手,打扫?便捷简单??????????(图文并茂使用心得)
是什么呢?就是一种Jelly like moldable car cleaning 神器----Cyber Clean cleaning jelly
它们不仅可以清除车上灰尘,还能清除揺控器,电脑键盘灰尘⋯you name it! 关键是它可以轻松去除hard to reach 边边角角地方的灰尘。干净的环境轻松拥有,因为有它一一一cyber clean cleaning Jelly
$Where to buy $
Cyber Clean is a unique compound designed especially for cleaning and disinfecting places and surfaces not reached by conventional cleaning solutions. Cyber Clean's products protect you against harmful bacteria and promote a healthy living environment, be it at home, at the workplace or when travelling. Its gel-like surface allows you to clean places you wouldn't be able to clean normally. Studies show that Cyber Clean is able to kill 97 percent of bacteria on the surface. Use it to disinfect remote controls, phones, steering wheels, handlebars or most other hard surfaces at home or in your car. Due to it's anti-bacterial features, Cyber Clean is able to destroy most odors easily.
About this item
Suitable for cleaning nearly all surfaces at home or in your car
Cleans hard-to-reach places
Kills 97 % of bacteria, removes unpleasant odors
Leaves a pleasant smell after cleaning
Simple, safe and easy to use
Thank you for reading!
最新评论 26
:是吗?谢谢!我倒还没用过清洁键盘呢!图从Amazon 截的,但这款是Original one,说明上说可以用,不过小心点还是好!?❤️
回复 @supermommy:当娘的就是比较累,身同感受??
回复 @supermommy:嗯呢!我以前就见识过这个东东,但一直不知道叫啥,又跟着美妈长姿势了
回复 @桃儿桃儿呀:哈哈!我也是看见稀奇古怪的东西就买回来?没想到很好用!
:不用洗,太脏了就扔掉!像jello+play dough