zulily 网站还是通过DealMoon认识的,时不时会有很不错的deal。除了要付运费这点不太友好之外,还是有不少好货可以淘的,所以我经常会去逛一逛。
前几天去逛就觉的不对劲,老说在maintenance。昨天再去一看,居然说要conduct an orderly wind-down of the business to maximize value for the companies' creditors. 看了新闻,果然是真的。
貌似现在已经不能下单了,不知道手里有gift card的要怎么办。不过它承诺以下几点:
1,Fulfill all pending orders and anticipates a vast majority of those will be fulfilled within the next two weeks
2. For orders that could not be fulfilled, Zulily endeavored to ensure those orders were cancelled and refunded
3. If you have placed an order and do not
receive it or a refund by January 22, 2024, please contact customer service
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