既然她母亲跑了那就让她和她老公两个从犯受到应有的惩罚。USCIS举报包庇犯罪,IRS举报偷税,snap的HR@snap.com可以举报他老公,搜索report a TikTok employee举报她。
女的叫Christina Liu , 中文名字叫Sha Liu, 在 TikTok 做recruiter; 她老公Bo Meng在Snap做 Machine Learning Engineer
To the Relevant Department,
I am filing a complaint regarding Guitian Liu who is allegedly working illegally in the U.S. on a tourist visa. Her daughter, Christina Liu (legal name Sha Liu), has reportedly fabricated an online persona as a mother of two to promote her mother’s services and conceal her illegal employment.
Liu’s conduct toward children is alarming. She has allegedly thrown a child from the changing table onto the bed, hit the child’s head with a bottle, forcefully patted the back, and roughly forced a pacifier into the child’s mouth. Most concerning, she has reportedly used a blanket to block the child’s mouth, showing a disregard for the child’s breathing.
Furthermore, Ms. Liu’s son-in-law, Bomeng, assists by driving her to and from work. These actions not only risk the child’s well-being but also raise concerns about public safety and legal compliance.
I urge your department to investigate this matter and take appropriate action to protect children and uphold U.S. law.Thank you for your attention.
最新评论 23
:我弟内部搜了一下说这人现在on leave,反正能确定的是temporary,甚至只是个人意愿的请假也有可能。最怕最后事情慢慢被人遗忘后就完全回归假装一切没发生过
:听说已经被manager 同意remote from china.. 也要跑路了
回复 @虾图设计师沙粒:什么骚操作
回复 @虾图设计师沙粒:相信正常人看着也会受不了更何况做爹妈的