🤩这本是今年下半年的心头爱,是我和小伙伴为我们Book Club选出的第一本书,读完一半大家集中讨论了一次,很喜欢我们的对话,一月份继续。
“The only way to learn is to live.”
“To be part of nature was to be part of the will to love. When you stay too long in a place, you forget just how big an expanse the world is. You get no sense of the length of those longitudes and latitudes. Just as it is hard to have a sense of the vastness inside any one person. But once you sense that vastness, once something reveals it, hope emerges, whether you want it to or not, and it clings to you as stubbornly as lichen clings to rock.”
“There was no way of living that can immunize you against sadness. And that sadness is intrinsically part of the fabric of happiness. You can’t have one without the other.”
“The paradox of volcanoes was that they were symbols of destruction but also life. Once the lava slows and cools, it solidifies and then breaks down over time to become soil-rich, fertile soil.”
“You don’t need to understand the meaning of life. You just have to live it.”
“We only need to be one person. We only need to feel one existence. We don’t have to do everything in order to be everything, because we are already infinite.”
最新评论 4
:谢谢晔昕给我的留言♥️我也终于忙完了期末的所有,可以认真地回复你了😊 我也曾经对人生的意义有所困惑(现在也偶尔会闪过一些瞬间,觉得好像一切都是虚空),但这些年练就的最大本领就是不往回看,觉得自己走的路都是对的或者适合自己的。即使在某个人生的岔路口走错了一小点,我也相信稍微绕一下,还是能最终到达我想去的方向。而当迷茫找不到方向时,我的朋友曾对我说,“那就再往前多走几步。”现在想来是非常有智慧的话。人生的大大小小决定,爱情、学习、工作,都可以这样,往前多走几步试试,走出来。