周末愉快呀!这周的corporate jargon来啦😎
2️⃣6️⃣ Think outside the box
“We gotta think outside the box to come up with the most innovative ideas.”
2️⃣7️⃣ Brain dump
down all the ideas and thoughts,把所有想法都写下来/说出来。
“I have so many ideas in my head and I just need to dump my brain so we can start to discuss each one of them.”
2️⃣8️⃣ Loop in
“Could you please loop in the project manager from X team? I believe this will be really helpful context for the team.”
2️⃣9️⃣ Have in your back pocket
“Thanks for sharing these insights. We’ll have them in our back pocket when we kick off the project later this year.”
3️⃣0️⃣ Hop on a call
直译为“跳上一个会议”,其实就是开会的意思,是一种很口语化的表达方式。去西方国家大城市旅行会去坐的hop on hop off bus就是用的这个词“hop”。
“Are you free right now? Can we hop on a call to chat about the project milestones?”